Presentations at External Conferences
- ISMB/EECB Microbiome COSI track 23-27.7.2023, Talk and Poster (by Pande Putu Erawijantari and Ece Kartal) – Predicting Incident Heart Failure from the Microbiome: The FINRISK DREAM challenge
- 6th International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICoMS 2023), July 14-16, 2023, Leipzig, Germany. Oral presentation: “Regularized Generalized Linear Models to Disclose Host-Microbiome Associations in Colorectal Cancer” by Eliana Ibhraimi and Marta Lopez
- BITS2023, Advanced machine-learning approaches for the analysis of microbiome data Workshop, ML4-presentation-at-BITS2023-Bari-IT-21-06-2023 by Domenica D’Elia
- Finnish Bioinformatics Day 25.5.2023, talk by Pande Putu Erawijantari: Predicting Incident Heart Failure from the Microbiome: The FINRISK DREAM challenge (FINRISK_DREAM_BioinfoDay)
- The 14th Finnish Gut Day 26.1.2023, poster presentations by Pande Putu Erawijantari and Ece Kartal: Predicting Incident Heart Failure from the Microbiome: The DREAM FINRISK challenge GutDay_poster
- International Human Microbiome Congress (IHMC), 8-10 November 2022, Kobe. FINRISK DREAM challenge. Presenter: Ece Kartal, IHMC_2022_Dream_Poster
- FINRISK DREAM challenge webinar, October 4th, 2022 (17:00 -18.00 GMT+ 2): Introductions of the DREAM Challenge and IT infrastructure.
18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME18), 14-19 August 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland. Klammsteiner, T., Murovec, B., Insam, H., Stres, B. Searching for consensus in black soldier fly microbiomes.
1st Slovenian Microbiome Symposium, 24 November 2022, Bled, Slovenia. Klammsteiner, T., Murovec, B., Insam, H., Stres, B. Searching for consensus in black soldier fly microbiomes.
- 21st European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB2022). Laura Judith Marcos Zambrano, Blanca Lacruz-Pleguezuelos, Viviana Loria-Kohen, Ana Ramírez de Molina, Enrique Carrillo de Santa Pau. Data integration analysis for profiling host-microbiome interactions in non-responsive Celiac disease patients [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2022, 11:1523 (poster). DOI: 10.7490/f1000research.1119328
- Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2021. Online. Klammsteiner, T., Insam, H., Murovec, B., Stres, B. High-performance computing lifts the understanding of insect-based gut microbiome.
- GOBLET & EMBnet AGM 2021, 11-15 October 2021
- ML4Microbiome Symposium “Grand Challenges of Data-Intensive Science in microbiome & metagenome data analysis and training“, 14 October 2021
Oral Presentations by:
Domenica D’Elia – The ML4Microbiome COST Action: aims & state-of-the-art report
Leo Lahti – Open data science in microbiome research
Enrique Carrillo – Machine Learning & Microbiome for Precision Nutrition
Isabel Moreno – ML4microbiome for the advance of precision medicine: what Biomedicine expects from us
Eleni Papakonstantinou – Microbiome analysis in precision agriculture
- ML4Microbiome Workshop “Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques for Microbiome Data Analysis“, 15 October 2021
Four Oral Presentations by Domenica D’Elia, Ilze Elbere, Eliana Ibrahimi, Magali Berland available on the
- Bioconductor Virtual Conference, 4-6 August 2021
Oral Presentation by Leo Lathi – Microbiome data science in the SummarizedExperiment universe
- 8th International Human Microbiome Consortium Congress, June 27-29, 2021
ML4Microbiome Poster presentation by Marcus Claesson: pdf
Oral presentation by Leo Lathi: Taxonomic Signatures of Long-Term Mortality Risk in Human Gut Microbiome
- ESCI 2021 – 55th Scientific Meeting, 9-11 June 2021
Oral presentation by Isabel Moreno-Indias: Past, present and future of Gut Microbiota in Metabolic diseases
- ECO 2021 – 28th European Congress on Obesity, 10-13 May 2021
Oral presentation by Isabel Moreno-Indias: Special diets to microbiota modulation
- EMBnet Conference 2020 – Bioinformatics Approaches to Precision Research, 23-24 September 2020 – Paper; YouTube PlayList
ML4Microbiome oral presentation by Tatjana Loncar Turukalo: pdf & YouTube Video Recording
Target audience: The conference attracted researchers in Bioinformatics from all over the world (more than 140 attendants), among which the majority were ECRs. EMBnet – The Global Bioinformatics Network is a worldwide organisation that brings bioinformatics professionals together to serve, support and sustain the growing field of Bioinformatics in the Biological and Biomedical research domains since 1989. Members are Research Institutes, Organisations and individual members working together on cutting-edge bioinformatics topics and devoted to education & training in Bioinformatics.
ML4Microbiome oral presentation by Domenica D’Elia: pdf and YouTube Video Reconding
Target audience: Teachers and Trainers in Bioinformatics from all over the world. GOBLET – The GLOBAL Organization for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training is a worldwide organisation composed of research institutes, organisations and individual members devoted to education & training in Bioinformatics since 2012. YouTube PlayList
ML4Microbiome oral presentation by Marcus Claesson: pdf
Target audience: Central and Eastern European scientists, entrepreneurs, policymakers and citizens. The EOSF in Trieste also had more specific goals: to strengthen a scientific and technological network among the Central Eastern European countries, the existing Trieste Science System, and the rest of Europe and to integrate and connect this network within the Mediterranean, North Africa and Central Asia.