ML4Microbiome Workshop on Data-Intensive Microbiome Research

Jointly Organized by ML4Microbiome/CompLifeSci /MIRP

29 August 2022, University of Turku (Finland)

Publicum building, large lecture room Pub2 (Assistentinkatu 7)


14:00 Welcome, Dr. Leo Lahti
14:15  Microbes & Immunity Biocity research program (MIRP)

14:45 Statistical & Machine Learning Techniques in Human Microbiome Studies (ML4Microbiome COST Action)

15:30 Computational and Molecular Methodologies for Life Sciences (CompLifeSci)

16:15 BiomeDx : Microbiome-based diagnostic tools, Christian Jansen

16:30 Coffee & Posters

18:30 Walk-out from the meeting venue 

19:00 Dinner 

Emergency contacts:
– Rajesh Shigdel: +47 967 47 299
– Alise Ponsero: +33 672 86 1033