4th Management Committee Meeting & Working Groups Meeting
30-31 August 2022
Hosted by the University of Turku, Data Science Group (Prof. Leo Lahti), Finland
This Meeting was kindly hosted by the ML4Microbiome Finland member at the University of Turku. The ML4Microbiome MC&WGs Meeting was also the occasion to organise a workshop on “Data-Intensive Microbiome Research” jointly with CompLifeSci and MIRP. The workshop was held on August 29th at the Publicum building, large lecture room Pub2 (Assistentinkatu 7, Turku). Presentations at the workshop are available on the workshop web page.
We thank the Organisers: Leo Lahti, Rajesh Shigdel and Alise Ponsero.
Tuesday, August 30th 2022
9.00 Welcome – Marcus Claesson & Leo Lahti
– Activity Reports (May-August 2022) by WGs’ Leaders
9.10 WG1 – Jaak Truu
9.30 WG2 – Leo Lahti
9.50 WG3 – Christian Jansen
10.10 WG4 – Aldert Zomer
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Parallel WG meetings
12.30 Lunch
14.00 STSM/ITC grants update – Tatjana Loncar-Turukalo
14.20 Management Committee Meeting
- Welcome to participants
- Verification of quorum (2/3 of MC COST Countries)
- Recap of minutes from last MC meeting
- Status of Action (member statistics etc.)
- Action budget status
- COST Innovators Grant Application
- Vote to change WG3 Leader
- Future meetings (when & where?)
Summary of MC decisions
15.00 Investigating the use of ML in the Industry
15.20 Continued parallel WG meetings
Wednesday, August 31st 2022
– WGs meeting reports
9.10 WG1 – Jaak Truu
9.30 WG2 – Leo Lahti
9.50 WG3 – Christian Jansen
10.10 WG4 – Aldert Zomer
10.30 Closing – Marcus Claesson/Randi J Bertelsen/Leo Lahti
11.00 Lunch
Complete documentation, including Minutes, is available for members in the ML4Microbiome Google Drive folder dedicated to the Meeting. To access the Google Drive folder, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Domenica D’Elia.
The presentation files (pdf) are available by clicking on the speaker name (link) in the meeting schedule above.